Top Tips On What To Wear For Your Portrait Session
Trying to decide what to wear for your family portrait session is one of the things our clients tell us that they worry about so we...

Tiny Dancers
Things at our boutique studio have been even more girly than usual over the last couple of weeks. Our Tiny Dancer portrait sessions have...

Vintage Winter Wonderland
We have had several requests for Seasonal Portraits already here at the studio so we wanted to show you all our Vintage Winter Wonderland...

New Maternity Gown
We have been busy working on some new maternity gowns for our Maternity session clients to choose from. This is our latest design and we...

Beautiful Bump
Maternity Photography in Chester at Dollimore Photography

"Inside all of us is a Wild Thing"
As many of you know I have been loving working on a Storybook project and I recently got the chance to create a series based on one of my...